Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Russian Castle

Do you think Russia is a country that is far from Taiwan? It's true on the map, but it's not really correct in your life.

"Russian Castle" is not only a castle but a restaurant just opened in 公館. It's really not far from us, right? The food there is authentic Russian food. Maybe you have heard of the famous Russian restaurant "Bread and Salt". But my Russian teacher said the food there is not really so "Russian". The taste is purposely changed in order to suit Taiwanese people. If you try to taste the real Russian food, you must come to the restaurant "Russian Castle".

The boss there is also the cook of the restaurant is Russian. If you have learned Russian just like me, you can chate with him by Russian language. He was a doctor in Russia then he came to Taiwan to study Chinese and met his Taiwanese wife. And he is really friendly!

I have some advice if you are going to experience the restaurant. The cook emphasizes the food ingredients. So if you order your meal, the cook just start to deal with your meal. It takes a lot of time~. The beter way to enjoy your meal is to make an appointment and order your meal before the day you get there.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't ate any Russian food before. How do most of them taste like? Are they spicy? Maybe you can put some photos on this page. HAHA, I'm curious. :P Thanks for your sharing, and I'll put this restaurant on my "Waiting for me to try" list.
