Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Red Square

Red square,one of the most famous tourist attraction,is often considered the central square of Moscow and all of  Russia. There are several famous buildings around the square, including Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral, and GUM department store, and National Museum of History and so on.

"Red" in ancient Russian means beautiful, so you don't have to find out where the place there is red. On the center of the sqare is Lenin's Mausoleum, contains the embalmed body of  Lenin, who is the founder of the Soviet Union. You can get there and momorize the history of Russia.

1 comment:

  1. hello~
    pictures are so great!!
    i've never been to Russia.but i think it's a beautiful and misery.and im my life,i would like to visit Moscow at least one time.
    by the way,the first post which you write mentioned that you are studying Russian.it's so cool to learn it.because i've lived with Russian department's student for one year.and when i heard they practicing pronounce,i am always amazing at that because for it's so diffcult but beautiful.:)
