Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Russian Castle

Do you think Russia is a country that is far from Taiwan? It's true on the map, but it's not really correct in your life.

"Russian Castle" is not only a castle but a restaurant just opened in 公館. It's really not far from us, right? The food there is authentic Russian food. Maybe you have heard of the famous Russian restaurant "Bread and Salt". But my Russian teacher said the food there is not really so "Russian". The taste is purposely changed in order to suit Taiwanese people. If you try to taste the real Russian food, you must come to the restaurant "Russian Castle".

The boss there is also the cook of the restaurant is Russian. If you have learned Russian just like me, you can chate with him by Russian language. He was a doctor in Russia then he came to Taiwan to study Chinese and met his Taiwanese wife. And he is really friendly!

I have some advice if you are going to experience the restaurant. The cook emphasizes the food ingredients. So if you order your meal, the cook just start to deal with your meal. It takes a lot of time~. The beter way to enjoy your meal is to make an appointment and order your meal before the day you get there.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sergei Rachmaninoff


Sergei Rachmaninoff, a Russian musician, is my favorite musician!! The first yime I heard his composition was in a Japanese drama "Nodame Cantabile" (交響情人夢). The leading actor performed Piano Concerto No.2 of Rachmaninoff. I really marveled at the stunning musical note. And I have tried many kind of version. I found that the most important factor to make the concerto  perfect is the chief of piano. I hope that you can also hear the wonderful melody.

In addition to the Piano Concerto No.2, the Piano Concerto No.3 is also famous. His compositions are genuinely Russian style: impassioned, beautiful and difficult to play. His whole life was always in a melancholy and accepted the mental healing. Every day his psychological therapist made him in a dark room and repeatedly told him that "You will start to compose concerto.  Your work will be the best...". It's kind of weird, but after the therapy he created the wonderfully Piano Concerto No.2.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Red Square

Red square,one of the most famous tourist attraction,is often considered the central square of Moscow and all of  Russia. There are several famous buildings around the square, including Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral, and GUM department store, and National Museum of History and so on.

"Red" in ancient Russian means beautiful, so you don't have to find out where the place there is red. On the center of the sqare is Lenin's Mausoleum, contains the embalmed body of  Lenin, who is the founder of the Soviet Union. You can get there and momorize the history of Russia.

Monday, March 21, 2011

First Post

I have written blogs for so many years,of course in Chinese. But I have never think about that I can write it all in English. Until now, I am choosing the course. It's a great opportunity to start my new English blog.

About the subject in my blog, it's RUSSIA. Russia is a country that It's still a mystery for Taiwanese. But the mysterious  country is always attract me.Actually I major in economics, but my auxiliary  department is Slav Language. It's all about Russia and Russian. From the time being, I will introduce the country Russia. What's the special? I will talk about them from a Taiwanese point of view.