Monday, May 9, 2011

Russian dream

It's quite easy to figure out why so many people like to travel to Frence, Italy, Spain or other tourist attraction. However it is perhaps unusual for tourists to put Russia the first place. But I really have deep love for Russia. Even I graduate from university, I will continue studying Russian. Furthermore, I want to pass the TORFL(Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) -- the TORFL of Russian is just as the TOFEL of English. I hope I can study abroad for one year to get close to the place I have learned and seen from textbooks. Wish me achieve my goals.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Russian people

Since I studied Russian, I have found that many abnormal killer in movies and series are Russian. They are really scared me. The stereotype impressions on Russion are cold-blooded, cruel, stony, and brutal. The weather in Russia is really chilly,and people there have to get with the environment. As a result, they try to conceal their passion and pretend they are as cold as the weather.

I had an impressive experience to meet a Russia. I have ever been a student ambassador two years ago. My mission is to take care of foreign professors for an international conference. I had to pick them up from airport and paid attention to what they need during the conference. One of the professors is an Russian, and actually she is chief of academy department in Russia. How respected she is! So I was very nervous when I faced her. But she is extremely nice when I took her to look around our campus. She liked to chat with me, and took photo with me. She is so cute that I won't think Russian is cruel anymore.